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Below you will find a series of articles in which the youth of the Americas are protagonists in IICA's actions. Also, if you want more information related to agri-food systems and discussions of interest to the international community, you can visit the IICA Blog page: https://blog.iica.int/

NGIN Launches Call for Application for the 2024 New Cohort of Global Youth Ambassadors!

The NGIN Ambassadors Call for Applications is launched on Monday, February 5th, 2024. Applications can be submitted by young leaders in agriculture until February 23. NGIN is the unique intergenerational multistakeholder platform co-creating impact opportunities and building pathways for youth participation in the sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems. NGIN Ambassadors are the outstanding […]

El IICA en conjunto con COLEAD te invitan a la Sesión 9: Éxito de las empresas / pymes innovadoras dirigidas por jóvenes en el sector agroalimentario

IICA, together with COLEAD, invite you to Session 9: Success of innovative companies / SMEs led by young people in the agri-food sector

Attached below is the concept note for the event in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese: English: https://tinyurl.com/yc2aauen French: https://tinyurl.com/bdzcny4n Spanish: https://tinyurl.com /bdccds8d Portuguese: https://tinyurl.com/3vpwjks7 In addition, the event registration link is shared: https://coleacp-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GXEuhs0WS7iahL1RvsBDVw#/registration

Anuncio de Finalistas del Eco-Reto 2023

2023 Eco-Challenge Finalists Announcement

The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) in collaboration with PepsiCo Bebidas Latinoamérica and the Organization of American States (OAS), are pleased to announce the 8 Finalist teams of the 2023 Eco-Challenge in their two priorities: Education and Technology. The Eco-Challenge is a special category of TIC Americas that promotes sustainable development in America […]

VI Convocatoria de Becas  FUNIBER-IICA

VI Call for FUNIBER-IICA Scholarships

The VI Call for FUNIBER-IICA Scholarships is open. The FUNIBER-IICA agreement provides our institution with 1,700 annual scholarships for master's degrees, doctorates, and specializations. For more information, write to: becas@iica.int

Premio Alpha Sennon

Alpha Sennon Award

It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the recognition granted to Alpha Sennon, distinguished member of the Hemispheric Community of Rural Youth of IICA, who has been awarded the prestigious “Above and Beyond” 2023 award by the Numismatic Guaranty Company (NGC). Sennon receives this award by virtue of his notable contributions through his […]

YPARD Incuba – Oportunidad para Emprendimientos Agroecológicos en América Latina y el Caribe

YPARD, una organización internacional fundada por y para personas jóvenes apasionadas por la Agricultura para el Desarrollo, ha estado impulsando la innovación y la colaboración desde su lanzamiento en noviembre de 2007 durante la Conferencia del Foro Mundial para la Investigación Agrícola (GFAR). Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de YPARD Incuba, una iniciativa emocionante diseñada […]